anonymize_ip | | | |
api_batch_max_limit | 200 | | |
api_enable_basic_auth | | | |
api_enabled | | | |
api_oauth2_access_token_lifetime | | | |
api_oauth2_refresh_token_lifetime | | | |
api_rate_limiter_cache | adapter | adapter | this is an advanced feature that we only expect a very small subset of users to be using currently. |
api_rate_limiter_limit | | | |
background_import_if_more_rows_than | | | |
batch_campaign_sleep_time | | | |
batch_sleep_time | 1 | | New in 3.x |
beanstalkd_host | localhost | ./. | Removed in 3.x |
beanstalkd_port | 11300 | ./. | Removed in 3.x |
beanstalkd_timeout | 60 | ./. | Removed in 3.x |
blacklisted_extensions | | | |
cache_path | /var/www/html/app/cache | /var/www/html/app/../var/cache | New default value (new location is var/cache) but leave any custom configs intact |
cached_data_timeout | 10 | 10 | |
campaign_time_wait_on_event_false | PT1H | PT1H | |
cat_in_page_url | | | |
cookie_httponly | | | New in 3.x |
cookie_path | / | / | |
cookie_secure | | | |
cors_restrict_domains | | | |
cors_valid_domains | | | |
csv_always_enclose | | | |
date_format_dateonly | F j | F j | |
date_format_full | F j | F j | |
date_format_short | D | D | |
date_format_timeonly | g:i a | g:i a | |
db_backup_prefix | bak_ | bak_ | |
db_backup_tables | | | |
db_driver | pdo_mysql | pdo_mysql | |
db_host | db | db | |
db_name | db | db | |
db_password | db | db | |
db_port | 3306 | 3306 | |
db_server_version | (individual) | (individual) | |
db_table_prefix | | | |
db_user | db | db | |
debug | | | New in 3.x |
default_daterange_filter | -1 month | -1 month | |
default_pagelimit | | | |
default_signature_text | Best regards | Best regards | |
default_timezone | UTC | UTC | |
dev_hosts | | | If this was set to null in v2, it should now be an empty array in v3
disable_trackable_urls | | | |
do_not_submit_emails | | | |
do_not_track_bots | | | |
do_not_track_internal_ips | | | |
do_not_track_ips | | | |
email_frequency_number | | | |
email_frequency_time | | DAY | |
events_orderby_dir | ASC | ASC | |
facebook_pixel_id | | | |
facebook_pixel_landingpage_enabled | | | |
facebook_pixel_trackingpage_enabled | | | |
form_upload_dir | /var/www/html/app/../media/files/form | /var/www/html/app/../media/files/form | |
google_analytics | | | |
google_analytics_anonymize_ip | | | |
google_analytics_id | | | |
google_analytics_landingpage_enabled | | | |
google_analytics_trackingpage_enabled | | | |
image_path | media/images | media/images | |
install_source | | Mautic | New in 3.x |
ip_lookup_auth | | | |
ip_lookup_config | | | |
ip_lookup_create_organization | | | |
ip_lookup_service | maxmind_download | maxmind_download | |
last_shown_tab | | | |
link_shortener_url | | | |
locale | en_US | en_US | |
log_file_name | | mautic_prod.php | |
log_path | /var/www/html/app/logs | /var/www/html/app/../var/logs | New default value (new location is var/logs) but migration leaves any custom configs intact
mailer_amazon_region | | | |
mailer_api_key | | | |
mailer_append_tracking_pixel | | | |
mailer_auth_mode | | | |
mailer_convert_embed_images | | | |
mailer_custom_headers | | | |
mailer_encryption | | | |
mailer_from_email | (individual) | (individual) | |
mailer_from_name | (individual) | (individual) | |
mailer_host | | localhost | |
mailer_is_owner | | | |
mailer_mailjet_sandbox | | | |
mailer_mailjet_sandbox_default_mail | | | |
mailer_password | | | |
mailer_port | | 1025 | |
mailer_return_path | | | |
mailer_spool_clear_timeout | 1800 | 1800 | |
mailer_spool_msg_limit | | | |
mailer_spool_path | %kernel.root_dir%/spool | %kernel.root_dir%/../var/spool | New default value (new location is var/spool) but migration leaves any custom configs intact
mailer_spool_recover_timeout | 900 | 900 | |
mailer_spool_time_limit | | | |
mailer_spool_type | memory | memory | |
mailer_transport | mail | smtp | 'mail' option was removed in SwiftMailer 6, other options should keep working as-is |
mailer_user | | | |
max_entity_lock_time | | | |
max_log_files | | | |
max_size | 6 | 6 | |
monitored_email | | | |
parallel_import_limit | 1 | | |
queue_mode | immediate_process | immediate_process | |
rabbitmq_host | localhost | ./. | Removed in 3.x |
rabbitmq_password | guest | ./. | Removed in 3.x |
rabbitmq_port | 5672 | ./. | Removed in 3.x |
rabbitmq_user | guest | ./. | Removed in 3.x |
rabbitmq_vhost | / | ./. | Removed in 3.x |
rememberme_key | (individual) | (individual) | |
rememberme_lifetime | 31536000 | | |
rememberme_path | / | / | |
report_export_batch_size | 1000 | | |
report_export_max_filesize_in_bytes | 5000000 | | |
report_temp_dir | /var/www/html/app/../media/files/temp | /var/www/html/app/../media/files/temp | |
resubscribe_message | |EMAIL| has been re-subscribed. If this was by mistake | |EMAIL| has been re-subscribed. If this was by mistake | |
saml_idp_default_role | | | |
saml_idp_email_attribute | EmailAddress | EmailAddress | |
saml_idp_entity_id | (individual) | (individual) | |
saml_idp_firstname_attribute | FirstName | FirstName | |
saml_idp_lastname_attribute | LastName | LastName | |
saml_idp_own_password | | ./. | Removed in 3.x |
saml_idp_username_attribute | | | |
secret_key | (individual) | (individual) | |
show_contact_categories | | | |
show_contact_frequency | | | |
show_contact_pause_dates | | | |
show_contact_preferences | | | |
show_contact_preferred_channels | | | |
show_contact_segments | | | |
site_url | (individual) | (individual) | |
sms_enabled | | | |
sms_frequency_number | | | |
sms_frequency_time | | DAY | |
sms_password | | | |
sms_sending_phone_number | | | |
sms_transport | | | |
sms_username | | | |
stats_update_url | | | New in 3.x
Set to NULL to disable |
system_update_url | | | New update mechanism and URL
Set to NULL to disable |
theme | Mauve | blank | Mauve theme was removed in 3.x (already deprecated for a while) |
theme_import_allowed_extensions | | | |
tmp_path | /var/www/html/app/cache | /var/www/html/app/../var/tmp | We'll only change the default value (new location is var/tmp, it has its own dedicated folder now) but leave any custom configs intact
track_by_fingerprint | | ./. | Removed in 3.x |
track_by_tracking_url | | | |
track_contact_by_ip | | | |
track_private_ip_ranges | | | New in 3.x |
translations_fetch_url | | | |
translations_list_url | | | |
trusted_hosts | | | |
trusted_proxies | | | |
twitter_handle_field | twitter | twitter | |
unsubscribe_message | (text) | (same text) | |
unsubscribe_text | (text) | (same text) | |
update_stability | stable | stable | |
upload_dir | /var/www/html/app/../media/files | | |
/var/www/html/app/../media/files/form | /var/www/html/app/../media/files | | |
/var/www/html/app/../media/files/form | | | |
webhook_disable_limit | 100 | | |
webhook_limit | 10 | | |
webhook_log_max | 1000 | | |
webhook_start | 0 | ./. | Removed in 3.x |
webhook_timeout | 15 | | |
webroot | | | |
webview_text | (text) | (same text) | |